0 Offices in Brazilian ports
0 Employees
0 Average of calls yearly
0Survey attendance yearly

leading marine services providing company


We work predominantly in Brazil, on diverse projects in market sectors such as agri commodities, fertilizer, crew changes and spare parts. We pride ourselves on our technical expertise and are committed to exceeding our clients' expectations.

Our experts have a wealth of knowledge and a can-do approach which, in turn, inspires, motivates and encourages the rest of our team.


As shipping agents and marine surveyors, we are committed on behalf of ship owners, managers, shippers and charterers to hold responsibilities towards port authorities for handling shipments, documentation, deadline to release B/L, cargo, crew matters and the general interests of our customers during the port of call.

On a busy day, we can look after crew changes formalities and handing over process, checking stowage plan and max cargo intake, draft restrictions, ports line-up, making contact with port authorities constantly for a smooth port call and also acting as surveyors, auditing bunker, Draft survey, vessels condition, Bunkering supply.

We may also have other fateful events like vessel detained in port, landing an ill crewmember, cargo damaged, oil spill which can demand more attention as usual and a careful follow up.

Naabsa is the reference in marine services providing in Brazil.



Ultrasound is one of the three classifications of sound:

SDT Ultrasound - Hatcheker

Besides Infrasound and Audible sound, Ultrasound refers to any sound pressure wave with a repetition frequency greater than 20kHz.

The characteristics of ultrasound, especially around 40 kHz are particularly interesting for inspectors listening for symptoms of asset failure.


Different Types of Vessels x Most Common Vessels Calling Brazil

Services Services Services Services Services Services Services Services

Brazilian Ports

Brazilian flag


Business Analysis

Cost effective

Proactive Shipping services
& Marine Surveyors

Port Line-up / Business analysis